What Did You Want to Be When You Grew Up?

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myG8hq1Mk00] Some say that we choose our occupations. Others say that our occupations choose us. Which happened for you? So often we forget about those first little inklings of purpose that we catch in the midst of childhood. What did you want to be when you grew up? What made you choose the occupation that […]

To the Person Who Invented Time:

You may be wondering why I would attempt bothering such an important person such as yourself, after all, you’re running on an endless schedule. Despite the fact that you may lack the time (ironic) to contact me, I felt that it would be in the best interests of human kind to do so. I’m writing […]

Blink: A Review

Have you ever really thought about how your palms start to sweat during a round of cards, the way something doesn’t look just right, or why you get that funny tugging feeling at the bottom of your stomach when you meet someone new? For Malcolm Gladwell, the focus of his New York Times Best-Seller Blink […]

Quotations that Move.

When asked about what I thought was the most useful kind of tweet on Twitter, I had to reply quotations because of the fact that I find them to be so inspiring. Though these are the words of great people, they resonate differently depending on who you are and what your frame of reference may […]

More Writings…

Just a few articles that have been featured elsewhere. If you like my writing already, you’ll probably enjoy these. Have at it! :-) A Clean, Well Lit Corner Cafe The Almighty Social Appeal I plan on spending the day hiking with Brent, most likely in Ricketts Glen State Park. It should be a lot of […]

Websites I Love Right Now

Spending most of your day near or at a computer can sometimes pay off, especially if you’re finding something interesting. Here are a few sites that I’ve come across that definitely keep me interested. You may have heard of them already, but they’re worth a shout out anyhow. Etsy It’s “the place to buy and […]

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Almost exactly one year ago, I baked a batch of oatmeal raisin cookies for someone special. A year later, that special someone now lives with me and has since been begging for me to make them again (I guess the cookies worked!).  So today, I decided to make a quick trip to the grocery store […]

Tasting the Social Media Rainbow

Skittles, a popular candy brand of Mars Inc., recently changed over its homepage to depict a constant Twitter stream about Skittles. While some may see this as a bold move into the future for products and brands around the globe, others are finding fault in this social media strategy. The Good You have to give […]

I'm in The Weekender…

NEPA’ers and beyond, check out this piece on Twitter in The Weekender: http://www.theweekender.com/cover/Tracking_the_Twitter_trend_02-24-2009.html Great story by fellow writer Donna Talarico. Her Twitter username is @donnatalarico. You can find me on Twitter @mlb217. Enjoy!