Mandy Boyle:

  1. Is an okay bowler.
  2. Used to work in a haunted house in early teens as a volunteer. (Most of the time, I worked in the beginning of the show, helping people to their seats. One year, I was cast as Freddy and got to have a choreographed “fight” with Jason. Pretty awesome. Ironically, I never actually went through said haunted house – and I still don’t like them very much in general.)
  3. Just learned how to braid and use a curling wand.
  4. Enjoys guided meditation.
  5. Wears a size 9.5 shoe.
  6. Got to sing in Carnegie Hall as part of a high school choral festival. (It was a surreal experience, and one of the coolest things I’ve ever done.)
  7. Took three years of French in high school. (I’m trying to relearn what I’ve forgotten in hopes that one day, I’ll get to put it to good use on a trip to France – or at least a French-speaking region of Canada.)
  8. Wrote a poem in 8th grade that was published in a collection from young poets. (I have one copy of the book, and it’s only because they sent it to me for free.)
  9. Acted in 4 musicals, despite my atrocious dancing skills.
  10. Would like to write a book someday.
  11. Is pretty good at crossword puzzles and cryptoquotes.
  12. Work studied in the university library for a semester in the Library System Loan Department.
  13. Enjoys cinnamon scented candles.
  14. Gives solid high fives and big hugs.
  15. Has a great recipe for meatloaf.
  16. Is able to lift slightly more than you’d think.
  17. Has a sunny disposition, although the delivery can be deadpan at times.
  18. Functions well on 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night.
  19. Is comfortable going to the movies or going out to eat alone.
  20. Ran track in high school. Usually hurdles and the 100 meter dash.
  21. Looks kind of like Anne Hathaway (according to some).
  22. Knows far too much useless trivia.
  23. Appreciates the Oxford comma.
  24. Loves  Les Miserables by Victor Hugo and has since the age of 13.
  25. Worked in a grungy movie theater – and loved it.
  26. Looks both ways before crossing the street.
  27. Is a good listener.
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