Have you ever felt like the weekend that’s just within reach is going to be the best thing ever?

That’s how I feel right now.

Tomorrow morning, I’m sleeping in to catch up on the snoozing I’ve lost over the past week (hello, theater!).

I’m also planning on opening the windows and letting fresh air and light into the house. Some cleaning is in order – but knowing me I’ll get distracted partway through a project and will end up only getting a few things done.

Maybe Brent and I will go kayaking, walking, or hiking.

Maybe I’ll read one of the books I have stacked on my bedside table.

The beauty of both leisure and getting caught up? Exquisite.

Maybe I’ll cook dinner and we can eat outside if it’s nice.

And I’m going to make this, this, and something else (haven’t decided yet) to eat with lunch during the week. And also Mom’s meatloaf, as Brent’s been asking about it for weeks. If I have the right ingredients, I’ll make a variation on these too.

Big cooks on weekends are one of my absolute favorite things to do. And the prospect of eating healthier after a week of filling my body with bad decisions? Magic.

Then, there’ll be time for theater. There are shows  for Witness on Saturday evening at 8 p.m. and Sunday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. Seeing friends and fellow actors. Backstage antics. What’s not to love?

Weekends are filled with possibility.

That’s why I love them so much.


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