In the past two months, I’ve been fortunate enough to have had quite a few great talks.
One was with my Dad, as we traveled to New York City together on his first visit ever to Manhattan, where we would see a Broadway show (Pippin), eat good food, and take in some of the sights. All day, we kept the conversation flowing, and it was nice. I talk to my Dad often, but that’s the first time in quite some time that we’ve spent so much time together in a day – it was a good moment for father and daughter.
Another was with Brent. We went to our favorite local diner, ate breakfast at about 8:00 p.m. and talked through what we wanted for our wedding, which led into more talk of the future, specifically, what we’d want in a house. Both conversations left me feeling less stressed about everything that’s happening (i.e. wedding planning, growing up, and all that jazz) and looking forward to what’s ahead. We now know what we want – and that’s one of the biggest and best parts of planning a future. There’s no better feeling than when you want the same things and you’re on the same page and you’re both excited about making it happen.
A third one was with my friend Alli. We went to brunch together and just chatted about things going on in our lives. We dished, dined, and laughed our whole way through the conversation. Those types of talks restore our inner light. You can’t help but feel happy when you’ve laughed and shared soup with a dear friend.
And a fourth was with an amazing group of people motivated to change Northeastern Pennsylvania. It was at a networking event for TecBridge – and well beyond your average meet and greet. We all left feeling driven, inspired, and ready to do something big. We talked about things we wanted to change. We celebrated big ideas. We gave each other hope and encouragement – this is where all great things start.
Between these talks, there were several more, and they all left me feeling AWESOME. It’s amazing how just talking can change your entire outlook.
Have you ever noticed how people just don’t talk as much as they used to? I’m constantly bombarded with emails and texts, which can be great in their own right, but sometimes, you just need to unplug and engage one-on-one. Those types of conversations leave us feeling energized and motivated. They help us sort out the important things and take notice of the fact that, hey – we’re human!
I’d like to issue a challenge.
This week, turn off your electronic communication methods, whatever they may be, for a few hours. Then, call up a friend and invite her for coffee. Or give your Mom a call just to talk. Or make time to go for a walk with your significant other to talk about something that’s been on your mind. Do something that will allow for you to have good talks of your own – and then take a moment to reflect and soak it in, because it’s a simple thing in life that makes it even better.
I know I’ll definitely be giving this challenge a try.