NEPA BlogCon Kick Off Party

Summertime is a pretty great season in NEPA. There are festivals pretty much every weekend, county fairs, and of course, nice weather!

But one of the things I love about summer is the start of what I like to think of as BlogCon season.

Last year, three amazing women and I planned NEPA’s first blogging and social media conference, NEPA BlogCon. We brought together more than 120 bloggers, tech types, students, and professionals to connect with and learn from each other in an all-day event that included a keynote by Gala Darling and presentations from Kris Jones, Shenee Howard, and many more talented pros.

We started the journey in the spring of 2012, hatching a plan to bring NEPA out of the technological dark ages (we hope it’s working!). After nights of Google Hangouts and plenty of email, we built a brand, started promoting, and organized a Launch Party for our website at The River Grille. After that, it was a summer of bloggy goodness.  It was a blast – and now, we’re returning to the River Grille to do it all again.

Tonight at 6:00 p.m., the Fearsome Foursome (a.k.a. Karla Porter, Michelle Hryvnak-Davies, Leslie Stewart, and I) will be hosting the NEPA BlogCon 2013 Kick Off Party to kickstart BlogCon season with aplomb. We’ll be hosting giveaways, mixing and mingling with all of you fabulous folks, and offering up free appetizers, thanks to our awesome party sponsor and location, The River Grille.

I’d love for you to come out and say “hello!” to us tonight and see what we’re all about. I can’t even begin to tell you how proud I am of the work we’ve accomplished so far. There’s plenty to do in preparation for the 2013 NEPA Blog Con (psst…it’s October 5 at LCCC Conference Center), but we can’t wait to hear your ideas tonight to make this event even better. So, stop in, enjoy the FREE appetizers, and meet us.

I’ll be so happy you did!

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