(I wrote this post the other night when I was feverish, bored, and stuck in bed with a box of tissues. Enjoy!)
So, I’m sick. Really, really sick. As in the sickest I’ve been in years. Last time things were this bad, I was out of commission for a few days with bronchitis. This time around, it seems to be some sort of cold/flu/wicked sinus infection complete with fever and chills, stuffy nose, sore throat, and achy muscles that make me feel like I’m covered in magnets. (Magnets? Geeze, is this even the right word? I don’t even know anymore…Nurse?)
Anyways, this left me with a considerable amount of time to myself. I spent about 99% of it in bed, save for the few minutes when I showered, ate, and took some meds. Toast, soup, tea, water, and strawberry Jello cups – you are all my best friends.
This was a little victory in my battle for balance. Spending the day in bed is not something I normally do when I’m sick. Most times, I either try to work through it or between hacking up a lung, I sneak in little chores, errands, or to dos so that I don’t feel like I’m wasting my day. This usually makes me sicker longer and generally complicates the healing process. This time, it was different. I was knocked on my ass by illness and instead of fighting it, I did what I was supposed to do. Rest, plenty of fluids, no work, etc. I can say that even though I’m blogging right now, I haven’t moved in hours. Hooray for little victories!
While in bed, I watched Coming to America, which as you know, is a pinnacle of cinematic excellence.
After that, it was a Netflix-a-palooza, complete with some BBC programming and episodes of SNL from the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s.
At some point in my plague, a bright and chipper Marywood student called asking me to donate money. I said, “No, thank you.” I’m thankful for MU, but this chick isn’t donating until those student loan payments get friendlier…or until they give me a check for using me in their advertisements (fingers crossed, ma!)
Then, oh yes then, dear friends, I got on the internet. I’ve been surfing on my phone on and off throughout the day, but for the past half hour or so, I’ve been cruising Pinterest.
Now, if you’re not familiar with Pinterest, there are a few ways of looking at it. It’s:
- A great communications tool for brands to engage with a new audience
- A visual social network that opens your eyes to spectacular things you might not have found otherwise in the vastness of the internet
- A visual and fun way to organize things you want, things you like, etc.
- A socially-acceptable form of internet hoarding
- A form of slow torture where you pin only things you feel comfortable being judged on and rationalize every pin, saying in your mind, “Oh, yes! I’m going to do this craft this weekend,” or “I’m going to make 10 of these!”, or “When I get married I’m going to do everything that’s in this board – I promise!” …and then it doesn’t really happen.
Somewhere around tissue 100, I succumbed to the phenomenon and temptation and pinned a shit ton of things, including lunch ideas, which is what prompted me to write this post.
This is my brain/your brain/our brains on fever. And Pinterest.
(If this post makes it up, it’s because I read this in the morning and felt that my fever induced delirium was good enough for publication)
Lol. I recently too had a bad fever. It go to the point in which I was seeing people in my room talking to me, when nobody was there. I should have blogged!