At the moment, I’m taking a New Communication Technologies class and I wanted to share a bit about what I’m doing. So far, it’s been pretty interesting. Between discussing science fiction and actual technology that’s out there, my classmates and I have undertaken the task of either writing a paper or doing a project. Since I’m more of a hands-on learner, I decided to tackle something that I’m really kind of excited about. Interested?
The Project
For my final project in the class, I’ll be designing and launching a website for The Communication Arts Institute at Marywood University. CAI is a new summer camp which will bring together professionals and high school students over the magic of communications. No, really. It’s magic! (That sounded cheesy, but I really do get excited over communicating.)
Students will get to experience hands-on training in digital media, broadcast journalism, and eventually, other communication disciplines. It’s a really exciting project and there’s nothing else like it in the area. I’m happy to be a part of the new program, especially since I’ll be handling a lot of the marketing and PR for it. In addition to this website, I’m also working on a social media strategy and different promotional materials. It’s a lot of fun and I’m psyched at getting some great portfolio material in order. Ok, back to the website.
What I’m Doing
The site is Much like the senior project I did last semester, I’ll be using the WordPress platform to launch a website, which like, will be designed with a pre-made theme and hosted by So far, I’ve accomplished both tasks and now I’m working on finishing up the content for the site. Most of the pages have been completed.
As the program start date draws closer, I’ll be updating it with more information and blog posts. Right now, the biggest thing is to get it up and running. Promotional materials with the web address will be distributed sometime in October, so it’s crucial to get it finished. The blog already has a few posts and the widgets are all installed. Basically, I’m left with the task of giving more information about curriculum, staff, pricing, and registration. I should have all of those details ironed out in the coming weeks. From there, it’s a matter of turning the CAI website into a flourishing community that will attract and inform students of the program.
Other Project Goodness
Also, to fulfill the requirements of the class, I’ve been blogging about different topics relating to social media and communities. The website I’m currently working on will one day (I hope) turn into a community for CAI students and alumni. I’m hoping that with a little luck and lots of involvement, it’ll kind of happen on its own. The reason I’m not blogging about WordPress is because I’m not exactly an expert. I don’t do programming and I’m no whiz at FTP, DNS, and all of those other acronyms. The simple truth is that it has never been easier to create a high quality website and that’s exactly what I’m setting out to do. Let’s hope I succeed.
I Need Your Help
So, if you could, please stop over at the official site for The Communication Arts Institute at Marywood University. Let me know what you think and what may be improved!