Uh oh.

Something went wrong.
Well, not really, but it did throw a bit of a kink in the flow of the senior project. Our launch venue was double booked. No venue = no launch party. No launch party = no launch.

The Wood Word is currently on hold, but don’t worry. It’ll launch very, VERY soon. We’ve now rescheduled the launch party, complete with WW swag, to April 14 from 11AM – 2PM throughout campus, specifically outside First Stop and the Fireplace Lounge. No free food, but you’ll get to see Amanda and my smiling faces.

The senior project experience is one that’s focused on learning, so from this little mishap, we’ve learned a few things:

1.) Schedule early.

2.) Prepare back up plans.

3.) Never let ’em see you sweat.

4.) When things go wrong, do what you can to fix them. You can’t predict the outcome either way.

5.) Life happens. You just have to adapt to the change.

On a side note, this weekend will be spent finalizing the site and getting ready for the big par-tay with FREE swag (can you tell I’m inviting you to join us?)

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