I’d be lying if I said I’m not scared of the future.

I am.

Right now, I’m at a point in my life where there’s a lot happening. I’m working on my masters, finishing up my undergrad, working part time, picking up freelance projects, and assisting in event planning on a variety of projects. There’s a lot to be done – and I’m thankful for every minute of it. All of the craziness, the tasks, the to do lists lead to something bigger. They give me something to experience and learn from so hopefully, when the real world comes a knockin’, I’ll have some kind of clue what to do and where to go from here.

Speaking of what to do and where to go from here, I’d love to hear your blog post suggestions! I’m looking for some things to write about other than my experiences with my senior project and with my independent study, so feel free to let me know what you want to read about! :-D

Goodnight, sweet dreams, and remember that it’s okay to be scared of the future.

(I think someone once told me that anything truly beautiful has an element of terror in it.)

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